The mysteries of POS capture unraveled here…
There is a code out there for every capture method. When you send data for a transaction, this code (the POS Entry Mode) is automatically sent with it. Wouldcha like to know these codes? Here they are:
- 01 – Manually keyed (this will pertain to Visa internet transactions as well)
- 02 – Magnetic stripe read (general or track 2)
- 05 and 95 – Contactless chip card
- 06 – Magnetic stripe read (Track 1)
- 07 – Contactless chip card using Visa Smart Debit / Credit chip data rules
- 81 – Manually keyed e-commerce (Mastercard only)
- 90 – Entire magnetic stripe read and transmitted
- 91 – Contactless chip transaction originated using magnetic stripe data rules (visa only)
What do”track 1″ and “track 2 mean?” There are two (unusually 3) tracks on a magnetic stripe. Only track 1 carries the cardholder’s name, but both contain the minimum information needed to complete a transaction. Why is this important? If you know the answer, let me know. I am dying to know.