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Credit Card Processing Fees


What is the difference between daily and monthly discounting?

Daily Discounting:  The discount you have accumulated on card transactions  for the day is deducted from your merchant’s settlement account daily.
Monthly Discounting: With monthly discounting, this happens only once a month.
It is pretty much this simple, and many processors offer both.


How can I keep card processing fees low?

Before you do anything, learn the fee terminology and understand how fees work.  (For an explanation of basic fees, read my article  “Fees Demystified”).  The more you know what you’re talking about when establishing an agreement with a card processor, the less likely you will be gouged by a fee you didn’t anticipate, or a [...]


Fees demystified

One of the most difficult parts of understanding card processing is understanding how associated fees work, where the money goes and what you are being charged for.  These fees are sometimes intentionally vague and are subject to fine print by many card processors. It is important to know how they work so that you [...]